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Tiles that Look Like Wood

Tiles that Look Like Wood

When it comes to choosing between tile and hardwood flooring, you can have the best of both worlds. Hardwood is a beautiful addition to any home, but it’s not for every budget, nor is it for every lifestyle. Tiles that look like wood are a nice alternative as they...

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What Are the Latest Trends in Bathroom Tiles?

Want to know the latest trends in bathroom tiles? There are so many exciting new styles for you to get inspired by and they will definitely spark your creativity.  From retro patterns to clean neutrals, we have it all laid out for you so you can plan your next...

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Are Ceramic Kitchen Tiles Worth It?

Ceramic kitchen floors are a popular choice among many homeowners and designers. But you might be wondering if they are actually worth the hype.  Ceramic tile is a classic choice for the kitchen as they’re durable, affordable, and easy to clean. But if you’re on the...

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Flooring 101: The Different Types of Tiles

You might be surprised by how many different types of floor tiles are out there - it might be great to know that not every tile works for every job.  If you have a project ahead of you, you’ll want to read this guide which covers all the different types of tiles...

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Ideas for Using Ceramic Tiles in your Bathroom

When updating your bathroom, it can be exciting to choose from an array of colourful tiles that come in all kinds of different designs - but where do you start?  Ceramic tile is a popular choice for bathrooms, and for good reason! They’re durable, versatile, and...

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Porcelain Tile Ideas for Your Kitchen

For a beautiful kitchen flooring option that’ll last for decades, you should consider porcelain kitchen floor tiles. It’s hard to go wrong with this choice, especially when they’re available in so many styles and colours. Its versatility is what makes porcelain tile...

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A Guide to Using Natural Stone Flooring

Where to use this one-of-a-kind flooring in your home Natural stone is a timeless flooring material that has an appeal that’s hard to match. Since each piece of stone is different, that means your flooring will truly be one-of-a-kind. There are many beautiful natural...

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What is a Glazed Porcelain Tile?

If you’re thinking of renovating your home, one of the first things that likely comes to mind is flooring. Since you’ll be walking on it everyday, choosing the right flooring option to fit your needs and your lifestyle is a crucial part of any renovation. One tile...

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Bathroom Flooring Ideas

When it comes to flooring, the bathroom will require a few extra considerations that other rooms in your home might not require. As well the bathroom tends to gather more water and moisture than most other areas of the home. So along with being stylish, you’ll need...

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More Blog Entries

Best Flooring Options for a Nursery

Best Flooring Options for a Nursery

One of the most exciting and fun parts about expecting a new baby is the fact that you get to plan how the nursery will look. Choosing a colour for the walls and picking out all the adorable pictures and toys you’ll add allows you to stretch your creative muscles. And...

Types of Subfloors for Hardwood Flooring

Types of Subfloors for Hardwood Flooring

Beginning a home renovation can be exciting, but even after careful planning, some things might get overlooked. That’s why working with professionals is such an important part of this process, so they can walk you through more of the “unknown” sides of flooring: like...

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