How to Choose Your Kitchen Flooring Colour

The kitchen is often called the heartbeat of the home. From cooking, to dining with the family to just hanging out, it’s a space where you’ll inevitably spend a lot of time. As such, it should have a decor aesthetic that suits you and your family’s style – from...

How to Mix Different Wood Floors in Your Home

When considering a flooring project, people often seem to have the impression that the hardwood floors throughout their house should match uniformly. However, this does not necessarily need to be the case. This article will explore some of the ways you can create...

Should You Replace or Refinish Your Hardwood Floors?

Hardwood floors can last a very long time, but they will inevitably experience some wear and tear over time. Eventually, they may leave you with a tough decision: to refinish or to replace them. Hardwood floors can often be refinished, but there are cases when an...

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