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Porcelain Tile Ideas for Your Kitchen

For a beautiful kitchen flooring option that’ll last for decades, you should consider porcelain kitchen floor tiles. It’s hard to go wrong with this choice, especially when they’re available in so many styles and colours. Its versatility is what makes porcelain tile...

A Guide to Using Natural Stone Flooring

Where to use this one-of-a-kind flooring in your home Natural stone is a timeless flooring material that has an appeal that’s hard to match. Since each piece of stone is different, that means your flooring will truly be one-of-a-kind. There are many beautiful natural...

What is a Glazed Porcelain Tile?

If you’re thinking of renovating your home, one of the first things that likely comes to mind is flooring. Since you’ll be walking on it everyday, choosing the right flooring option to fit your needs and your lifestyle is a crucial part of any renovation. One tile...

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