How to Properly Choose & Clean Grout

How to Properly Choose & Clean Grout

While it might not be the most luxurious part of choosing tiles, grout plays a huge part in the overall look and feel of your home. By making a few mindful decisions, you can elevate your tile choices with just simple grout colours and textures. Learn more about how...
Best Flooring Options for a Nursery

Best Flooring Options for a Nursery

One of the most exciting and fun parts about expecting a new baby is the fact that you get to plan how the nursery will look. Choosing a colour for the walls and picking out all the adorable pictures and toys you’ll add allows you to stretch your creative muscles. And...
Types of Subfloors for Hardwood Flooring

Types of Subfloors for Hardwood Flooring

Beginning a home renovation can be exciting, but even after careful planning, some things might get overlooked. That’s why working with professionals is such an important part of this process, so they can walk you through more of the “unknown” sides of flooring: like...
5 Reasons to Use Ceramic Tile in Multipurpose Spaces

5 Reasons to Use Ceramic Tile in Multipurpose Spaces

Multipurpose spaces are becoming more and more common in homes these days. They’re great for home offices, studio space, or all around hobby rooms. If you’re renovating your home or you want to turn an empty room into a multipurpose space, consider ceramic tile as a...
Your Guide to Laundry Room Tile

Your Guide to Laundry Room Tile

Ah, laundry. To some it’s a dreaded chore while for others it’s considered therapeutic. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, we think everyone can agree that sprucing up the laundry room and making it aesthetically pleasing makes doing laundry much more enjoyable. You...

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